14 Dangerous Headaches And How to Treat Them

Headaches can be painful but sometimes indicate serious health problems. Understand the types of headaches and treatments that will ease the pain. Then consider the pain of getting older and how pre-planning will ease that pain.
Updated: March 14th, 2022
James Kelly


James Kelly

Your world seems to be spinning. You now have a feeling of vomiting, yet, your stomach is not upset. But your head is pounding; it feels sharp and heavy. With every breathe you take, you feel the intense pounding. You feel that you want to just smash your head against the wall that somehow that might alleviate some of your pain. 

Maybe your headaches are not that bad; maybe they are worse. However you describe your headaches, we all get them. You know that headaches can be excruciating. Not only do they cause pain, but they irritate as well. 

Medical science says that the brain doesn't trigger signals directly to cause a headache. The culprit is the nerves, chemicals in the brain, blood vessels, and tissues that create most headaches. 

Doctors Know More Now Than Before

Medical experts say that they know more today about headaches and the precise reasons for their occurrence than they knew a few years back. Whether the causes are known or not known, headaches are a real menace. 

Health.com describes 14 different types of headaches and ways to treat them. See if you suffer from one of these types of headaches.

Some Headache Symptoms You Don't Ignore

Some symptoms that come with headaches could indicate serious health issues, and if you experience them, you should see your doctor right away. 

  • Sudden onset of extreme pain
  • You seem confused, start slurring your speech, or you blackout
  • You suffer from weakness in any part of your body
  • You get blurry vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • High fever

If you start having a headache that keeps coming back or is disturbing your sleep or everyday activities, see your doctor and have them check you out. Headaches usually should not last longer than 24 hours, and most improve with rest; if not, see your doctor. 

Don't Give Yourself a Headache Thinking About Aging

Aging happens, and with getting older comes declining health and deteriorating bodies. You get older, and your risk of dementia increases as well. All of this comes with the territory of getting older.

Don't allow the consequences of aging to be a headache. A successful retirement includes a plan to address the financial costs and burdens of longevity. Long-term health care costs will cause you pain - pain in your wallet. These costs are rising sharply and will change your lifestyle and legacy unless you address these issues before you get older. 

LTC Insurances Eases the Future Pains

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will safeguard your savings and investments while easing the burdens otherwise placed on your family. Long-term health care creates many real challenges. Dealing with these challenges now, before they create a family crisis, will protect saving and reduce family stress and anxiety.

Long-term care is a cash flow problem, but it is also a family problem. The burden of caregiving often falls on a daughter or daughter-in-law, and they are untrained and unprepared for being a caregiver.

A parent's long-term health care situation creates tremendous burdens on adult children who also have their own families and careers. It is hard to balance the many roles a caregiver must juggle. In addition to providing care, they still have responsibilities toward their employer, spouse, and children. 

Real Consequences on Loved Ones

Often siblings will fight about who is not doing their part. Long-Term Care Insurance will provide the resources to obtain quality caregivers and give your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers. 

Most policies will also provide professional case management. The case management helps the family concentrate on being loving and supportive. 

Your health, body, and mind will change in the decades ahead. Prepare now for the costs and burdens that come with longevity. That will be one headache you can avoid. Your future retirement doesn't have to be painful - a little pre-planning offers everyone peace of mind.

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