7 Ways Float Therapy Benefits Seniors
![Floating therapy involves floating effortlessly in a salt-water solution containing Epsom salt. When the body is free of gravity's pull, muscle tension relaxes, inflammation levels fall, and the parasympathetic nervous system is activated.](https://d2fgwbymbvlegs.cloudfront.net/articles/7-ways-float-therapy-benefits-seniors/cover-medium.jpg
As people age, they often experience a wide variety of health problems. This can make it challenging to live a normal, healthy life. If you are looking for an alternative treatment that can help improve your quality of life, consider float therapy. Float therapy is a type of relaxation treatment that has many benefits for seniors. In this article, we will discuss seven ways that float therapy can benefit seniors!
7 Benefits of Float Therapy for Seniors
When engaging in float therapy, seniors give themselves an opportunity to relax and de-stress. Float therapy can also provide the following benefits:
Improved Sleep Quality
Float therapy has become an increasingly popular way to improve restful sleep for seniors due to its many potential health benefits. Floating involves lying in a sensory deprivation tank filled with water and dissolved Epsom salts that enable the person to float for extended periods of time, feeling totally supported by the solution so that all muscular tensions can be released.
While in this environment, the gentle, calming effect of being suspended in the healing buoyancy encourages restful sleep. Studies have shown that spending just one-hour floating can help improve sleep quality and duration, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression. Float therapy also increases serotonin production, improving memory and cognitive functioning while providing a sense of relaxation and well-being.
As a safe, natural means of improving sleep quality for seniors, float therapy is a powerful tool to reduce insomnia-related issues and promote healthier lives.
Reduced Joint Pain
Float therapy has been on the rise recently, and with good reason. Studies show that there are many benefits to this relatively new form of treatment, especially for seniors. One such benefit is a decrease in joint pain from conditions like arthritis. This is because the buoyancy of the water helps to take the pressure off painful joints, allowing users to move more freely and experience relief from stiffness. Floating can also encourage increased flexibility through reduced pain and discomfort, which leads to improved motor skills.
Further, it may have additional benefits, such as promoting better sleep quality, reducing tension and stress-related problems, and providing a broad range of physical and mental health benefits, such as enhanced cardiovascular health.
Although further research needs to be conducted into float therapy's efficacy for seniors, it's clear this treatment provides a viable option for individuals looking for effective solutions to reduce joint pain and increase overall well-being.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Float therapy has recently become a popular form of relaxation for seniors. Characterized by the flotation of one's body in a tank of water, it is known to reduce stress and anxiety. It also provides therapeutic benefits such as improved alertness, blood circulation and soothes muscle aches.
One study concluded that float therapy reduces cortisol production, indicating an overall relaxation and calm state. This type of therapy is beneficial due to the decrease or elimination of sound, light distractions, and gravity's pull on the body that allows its participants to slip into the most peaceful and deepest states of relaxation available. Thus, float therapy is an effective way for seniors to ease tension and relax.
Improved Cognitive Functioning
Float therapy has been shown to offer a unique and important opportunity for seniors looking to improve their cognitive functioning. Float therapy comes out on top when compared to other forms of brain enhancement as it is a low-budget, safe, and non-invasive experience. The natural buoyancy of the water allows seniors to relax while lying in a dark and quiet environment.
This has been proven to increase the flow of oxygen and endorphins throughout the body while helping flush away toxins simultaneously. In addition, float therapy can increase alertness and creativity while allowing users to more easily access information stored in their memory banks - making it perfect for those seeking improved cognitive functioning.
With its proven ability to reduce anxiety and stress levels, making room for new insights and deeper learning, float therapy appears poised to revolutionize retirement living for many seniors. It's a low-risk approach to greater well-being, allowing users to feel their best without subjecting themselves to potentially harmful medications. Its unique environment and ability to improve cognitive functioning make it a powerful tool for seniors seeking new experiences.
Wrapping Up
Float therapy for seniors is a powerful tool that can provide a wealth of benefits. From pain relief to improved sleep quality, floating offers an array of advantages for aging adults.
Float therapy is an increasingly popular treatment option for seniors looking to improve their health and well-being. With more and more evidence emerging about the positive effects of float therapy on seniors, it's no wonder why so many are turning to the practice to improve their lives.
With the seven ways float therapy can help seniors, it's easy to see why so many people are taking advantage of this unique and beneficial treatment option. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain or simply want to improve your overall health and well-being, consider giving float therapy a try.