Answers for Dementia Questions and Caregiving Considerations

Longevity for human beings can mean some wonderful things and even an enjoyable future retirement. However, it also means a greater risk of cognitive decline. Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia impacts people of all categories. In other words, it does not discriminate. The impact on savings and the effect on family members creates vast amounts of strain, physically and financially. If you are dealing with a loved one who is already suffering from memory loss you already understand the challenges.
Alzheimer's is perhaps the most "famous" type of dementia. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says it is the most common form of dementia. It is a progressive disease that starts with, in many cases, very mild memory loss. As it progresses, it can lead to loss of the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the environment. It generally requires the person to receive substantial supervision. This care is expensive, and if the person does not have Long-Term Care Insurance, it can drain assets or place burdens on loved ones to provide that care.
The CDC reports symptoms can first appear after age 60 with risk increasing as a person gets older. Those who are younger can also get Alzheimer's disease, but it is less common but can be very devastating. Those with the disease double every five years beyond age 65. It is projected to nearly triple by 2060.
Dementia Impacts Many Aspects of Life
According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), no matter what type of dementia a person may suffer from, it remains a loss of a person's cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.
The NIA says family history can help you and your doctor know if Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia run in your family. While having a family history does not mean you will have dementia, it may increase your risk and the desire to plan in advance.
Family History and Dementia
At the same time, not having a family history does not immune you from dementia. In fact, since people live longer lives due to advances in medical science, we don't really know if a family history existed for many people. If you have a family history of dementia (early or late-onset), it could impact your ability to plan in advance with Long-Term Care Insurance. When speaking with a Long-Term Care Insurance specialist, they should ask you detailed questions about your health and that of your family. If they don't, you better find another specialist.
Read more about questions on dementia and caregiving.
Risk of Needing Long-Term Health Care Increases with Age
People require long-term care services and support due to illness, accidents, and the impact of aging. Cognitive decline is just one of many reasons people need help with normal activities-of-daily living or supervision due to memory loss. This cost of care will drain savings and place stress and burdens on those you love. This is why it is so important to plan before retirement. The easy and affordable solution is Long-Term Care Insurance.
There are several types of insurance plans available, including traditional plans, partnership plans, single premium options, shared spousal plans, plans with death benefits, and even small short-term options. A qualified Long-Term Care specialist will review your situation and make proper recommendations.
Today's LTC Insurance is the Solution for Many American Families
Today's Long-Term Care Insurance is very affordable, especially if you act before you retire when you have better health. You have options. Explore those options with a specialist who understands the many solutions available for you and your family.
Start your planning by beginning your exploration well before retirement when the most options are available. Find today's cost of long-term care services and the availability of tax incentives and partnership plans which provide additional asset protection. Use the LTC Cost of Care Calculator and start your research.
The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, a national consumer education, and advocacy group suggest working with a Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. This person should have substantial experience in long-term care planning and represent the industry's major companies.
Long-Term Care Insurance is easy, affordable, and rate stable income and asset protection. The consequences of getting older will impact more than just yourself. Your spouse or partner, your children, and their children are getting impacted.
Advance planning not only protects savings and investments but gives you your choice of quality care either at home or in a facility. Perhaps just as important, a Long-Term Care insurance policy gives your loved ones the gift of time. They will have the time to be family and not have to either provide care or manage your care and investments.
Act now as you only get older tomorrow.