Redefining Retirement: The Strengths and Stumbles of an Age-Forward Workforce

As life expectancies increase and financial landscapes shift, many people stay in the workforce beyond the traditional retirement age. Proactive planning is crucial to ensure a seamless transition into this working phase. This will help balance health, financial stability, and personal fulfillment.
Updated: October 12th, 2023
James Kelly


James Kelly

As the Baby Boomer generation continues its march towards retirement age, the American workplace is undergoing a significant transformation. As people get older, many find they can't wait to retire. Others find it challenging to retire because of a lack of retirement savings. However, others want to keep working and maybe start a second career. 

There are many options for an aging society, and the global population is aging rapidly. The number of people aged 65 and over in the United States is expected to increase from 56 million in 2020 to 95 million by 2060. This demographic shift is having a significant impact on the workforce, families, businesses, and government. 

This demographic shift brings with it both challenges and opportunities for older workers and their employers. For employers, an aging workforce offers several advantages. Older workers are typically more experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable than younger workers. They are also more likely to be loyal and reliable. Additionally, older workers are less likely to job hop, saving employers money on recruitment and training costs.

According to the Harvard Business Review, in the U.S., almost half the states and about three-quarters of counties report more deaths than births. This demographic shift indicates that without positive immigration rates, these regions face a population decrease. For businesses in such areas, retaining and supporting older workers becomes even more crucial.

David Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, says older workers can bring many positives to the workforce.

The aging workforce is not a problem to be solved. It is an opportunity to be embraced. Older workers bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills to the workplace. They can also mentor and coach younger workers, fostering intergenerational collaboration and learning.

The Retirement Conundrum: Navigating Financial Realities in an Aging Society

The traditional notion of retirement, characterized by leisure and relaxation after years of dedicated work, is undergoing significant transformation in today's aging society. Several converging factors, including the dynamics of retirement savings, Social Security system concerns, and demographic shifts, are prompting many older individuals to re-evaluate retirement and, in many cases, remain longer in the workforce.

Consider a spouse who no longer works and needs long-term care can force an older spouse to keep working as often couples fail to obtain Long-Term Care Insurance to pay for the expensive care many people require. 

A pivotal factor is often the adequacy of retirement savings. Historically, pensions, employer-sponsored retirement plans, and personal savings were the trifecta ensuring a comfortable retirement. Yet, over the past few decades, the shift from defined-benefit pensions to defined-contribution plans like 401(k)s has transferred the onus of retirement savings from employers to employees. 

This change, coupled with economic recessions and periods of stock market volatility, has left many seniors with savings that fall short of ensuring a comfortable retirement. The end result is the need to stay in the workforce.

Concurrently, concerns surrounding the Social Security system add another layer of uncertainty. With an increasing number of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age and a shrinking younger workforce, there's an imbalance in the ratio of active contributors to beneficiaries. Projections suggest that, without reforms, the Social Security Trust Fund could be depleted by 2034, leading to reduced payouts. This scenario further exacerbates the financial insecurities facing retirees.

Demographically, we are witnessing a society where people are living longer, healthier lives before failing health and aging leads to long-term care. While this is a testament to advancements in health and living standards, it also means that retirement savings need to stretch over a more extended period. Chronic illnesses often will lead first to long-term care instead of a quick death. The prospect of outliving one's savings is a genuine concern for many.

More People Staying or Returning to the Workforce

These financial pressures lead to a growing trend: older adults staying in or re-entering the workforce. For some, it's necessary; for others, it offers an opportunity to remain engaged and active and continue contributing their skills and experience. This trend, however, is not without its challenges. Ageism, adapting to rapidly changing work environments, and health concerns are real issues older workers face.

Here's a look at what this means for both sides of the employment equation for older workers and employers.


  1. Experience and Wisdom: Older workers bring a wealth of experience to the table. They've navigated through economic downturns, shifts in industry trends, and technological evolutions. This experience often translates into problem-solving skills, patience, and a broader perspective on business challenges.
  2. Strong Work Ethic: Many employers find that older employees have a strong commitment to their jobs, honed over years of work. Their dedication often leads to higher productivity and a willingness to mentor younger colleagues.
  3. Stability: Older employees tend to be more loyal to their employers. They're often less likely to jump ship for a slightly better offer, which means lower turnover costs and a more stable workforce for employers.


  1. Health Concerns: As we age, health issues become more prevalent. This can lead to increased healthcare costs for employers and potential absenteeism for older workers.
  2. Adapting to New Technologies: While many older workers are tech-savvy, some may struggle with the rapid pace of technological change in today's workplace. Training and retraining can become essential.
  3. Potential for Ageism: Unfortunately, age discrimination is still a reality in some workplaces. Older workers can be overlooked for promotions or new opportunities based on unfounded stereotypes.

Second Careers: A Silver Lining

Many older adults enjoy working, and while there is no financial need to work, they want to remain active and in the workforce. The concept of retirement is evolving. Instead of leaving the workforce entirely, a growing number of older workers are pursuing second careers. These "encore careers" often allow for more flexible schedules, reduced stress, and opportunities to pursue passions or interests that might have taken a backseat during earlier working years.

For employers, these second-career employees offer a unique blend of experience and enthusiasm. They often bring a renewed sense of purpose to their roles, combined with the skills and knowledge they've amassed in their primary careers.

Older workers have a wealth of wisdom, experience, and creativity that they can share with the world. They also have a desire to keep learning, growing, and contributing to society. That’s why many of them pursue a second career that aligns with their passions, interests, and values. A second career can provide older workers with a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

Rise of Older Entrepreneurs: Embracing Second Careers in Business

In recent years, a new trend has emerged in the entrepreneurial world: older adults diving into the realm of startups and business ownership. 

While young entrepreneurs often grab headlines, their older counterparts are making significant waves, proving that the entrepreneurial spirit isn't bound by age.

Passion, Purpose, and a Chance to Give Back

The reasons for older adults to embark on entrepreneurial journeys are diverse. Some are motivated by a desire for a career change after decades in the same field, while others might be driven by financial necessity, especially in an era where traditional retirement seems more elusive. Yet, for many, it's about passion, purpose, and a chance to give back.

One of the standout advantages older entrepreneurs bring to the table is their extensive reservoir of experience. Regardless of the field, years in the workforce equips them with invaluable skills: problem-solving, leadership, and, notably, a vast network of contacts. This lived experience often translates into business acumen, strategy formulation, and risk assessment that younger entrepreneurs might not possess.

Furthermore, older adults often approach their businesses with a different set of priorities than younger entrepreneurs. While profitability remains essential, many are more focused on legacy-building, community impact, and creating businesses that reflect their values and passions. This emphasis can lead to business models that prioritize sustainability, ethical practices, and community engagement.

Ageism Impacts Older Entrepreneurs 

However, challenges do exist. Older entrepreneurs may face ageism, especially in sectors dominated by younger demographics or those heavily reliant on cutting-edge technology. Securing financial backing might also be more challenging, as lenders and investors might be hesitant about the long-term prospects of a business led by older individuals. But, with crowdfunding platforms on the rise and an increasing emphasis on diverse entrepreneurial representation, many of these challenges are becoming surmountable.

The Future is Here - Are You Ready?

The aging workforce is not a fleeting trend—it's the future. Both older workers and employers can benefit immensely from this shift, but it requires proactive strategies, understanding, and adaptability from both ends. By focusing on the advantages and addressing challenges head-on, the American workplace can make the most of this demographic evolution.

As you approach the latter part of your working years (after age 45), the concept of retirement becomes increasingly pertinent. While the golden years can be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, achieving a comfortable retirement requires foresight and proactive planning. 

A central consideration is determining how long you wish or need, to remain in the workforce. While some people dream of early retirement, others may find fulfillment in their careers and choose to work well into their senior years. What are you thinking? Financial considerations, too, play a significant role in this decision, as the length of one's working life can greatly influence the comfort and security of your future retirement.

Beyond the financial aspects, preparing for retirement also means considering the personal and health challenges that come with age. Aging is a natural process accompanied by both predictable and unexpected changes. As we grow older, we will encounter health issues, mobility restrictions, and cognitive changes, all of which can influence the quality of our retirement years.

Long-term care, specifically, is a critical factor to ponder. In reality, a significant portion of retirees will require some form of long-term care, be it in-home assistance, adult day care, assisted living, or nursing home care. Such care can be expensive, and without proper planning, the costs can quickly deplete savings and place undue stress on family members.

Therefore, while considering retirement, it's crucial to have a comprehensive plan that encompasses financial goals and potential health needs. By considering factors like Long-Term Care Insurance, estate planning, and health care directives, you can ensure you are well-prepared for the future, allowing you to fully embrace and enjoy your retirement years.

The ideal time to start planning is before retirement; in your 40s and 50s, it gives you plenty of time to plan and put something in place. 

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