Build Your Immune System to Stay Healthy

Having a robust immune system benefits you in numerous ways in this day and age. The immune system has a critical role in your overall health as it protects your body from germs, or what doctors refer to as pathogens. These germs include bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, cell changes, and other harmful substances that could make you ill.
Cell changes include cancer, and your immune system is your front line of protection to fight disease-causing changes in the body, such as cancer cells.
When your immune system is working correctly, you won't notice it as it works quietly in the background keeping you healthy - kind of like the virus protection on your computer. But if it stops working properly – because it's weak or can't fight particularly aggressive germs – you get sick.
Protecting the body is crucial. The immune system is a complex part of the body. There are ways to enhance it. One way to do so is to boost your immunity against illnesses and infections.
Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep
How is your sleep - getting enough? Getting enough sleep brings a whole slew of benefits to your health. The benefits for your immune system are just one of them. Doctors link sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality to a higher risk of diseases.
If you're having difficulties sleeping, start by following a regular sleep schedule. Consider restricting your screen usage for an hour before bedtime. The blue light that your phone, TV, and other electronic devices emit might interfere with your natural sleep cycle.
Read these tips from the National Institute on Aging - A Good Night's Sleep | National Institute on Aging
Eat a Healthy Diet
Aside from giving your immune system the energy it needs; a balanced diet can also help you get enough of the micronutrients that play a part in maintaining your body's defense against sicknesses. A balanced diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables. Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are high in nutrients and antioxidants. Healthy fats, such as those present in salmon and olive oil can also help your body fight foreign elements by reducing inflammation.
Health supplements such as Ancient Peat Extract are also great immune system boosters and can increase energy levels.
Maintain Physical Activity Throughout the Week
Physical activity is essential for muscle building and stress relief. It's also a necessary aspect of enhancing and sustaining the immune system. Moderate exercise can help you by improving your blood circulation, making it easier for immune cells and other illness-fighting compounds to move around your body.
Always Keep Yourself Hydrated
Although drinking the right amount of water daily does not directly protect you from germs and viruses, it is vital to avoid dehydration. Lymph—the fluid in your circulatory system that transports essential anti-infection cells across your bloodstream—is mostly water. Dehydration causes lymph to travel more slowly, contributing to immune system problems.
Manage Your Stress Effectively
Stress management completes the different but effective ways to build up your immune system. When you're under a lot of stress—especially chronic stress—your body responds by triggering a stress reaction that aids you in dealing with difficult situations. However, this response suppresses your immune system, increasing your risk of getting sick. To avoid this, you can perform stress-alleviating activities such as journaling, meditation, or receiving chiropractic treatment.
We will experience a natural decline in your immune system due to aging, but often illness will attack your immune system's ability to protect you. Be proactive with your health as you get older.