Exploring the Benefits of CBD Oil for COPD Symptoms

CBD oil has been studied for its potential therapeutic benefits in various conditions, including inflammation, pain, and anxiety. Some studies suggest CBD oil may help reduce inflammation and improve lung function, helping to open up airways and make breathing easier.
Updated: January 30th, 2024
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, commonly known as COPD, is a long-term lung disease characterized by difficulty breathing. The condition is progressive, which will make its patients’ breathing problems even more problematic. This disease decreases the quality of life and shortens the lifespan of its patients.

COPD has no cure [1], but there are treatments available. Early detection and remediation are important to delay its progress. But if you can prevent it, then your life can be better. To detect COPD, you have to be aware of its early signs and symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of COPD

Early symptoms do not manifest until the patient reaches the age of 40 to 50. The symptoms will slowly worsen and make daily activities a struggle to accomplish. The main symptoms include:

  • Frequent coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty in taking a deep breath
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Fatigue

Current Treatments for COPD

At the early signs of COPD, you should seek treatment right away. This will help slow down the progress of the condition. It will also help you keep up a normal life and still be able to do your daily routines and activities with ease. The treatments available for COPD patients are:

  • Quit Smoking

This is the most important treatment for a COPD patient. Since smoking is the main cause of COPD [2], you should put an end to it immediately. Otherwise, the condition will worsen at a faster pace and even pose a threat to your life.

  • Inhalers

This is a device that will help deliver the medicine straight to your lungs as you inhale it. There are different inhalers for COPD. It is best to consult your doctor to know which is the most recommended one for you. Among the COPD inhalers are:

  • Short-acting bronchodilator inhalers
  • Long-term bronchodilator inhalers
  • Steroid inhalers
  • Medications

Medications are often prescribed by physicians if inhalers are not working. The common medications given to COPD patients are:

  • Theophylline tablets
  • Mucolytics
  • Steroid tablets
  • Antibiotics 

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

This is a specialized and customized program where COPD patients are given exercises and knowledge to deal with the symptoms of the condition. [3] The program includes breathing exercises, energy conservation, diet, and physical activities appropriate for you.

There are more intense treatments for severe COPD symptoms. Among these are:

  • Nebulized medicines
  • Long-term oxygen therapy
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy
  • Non-invasive ventilation
  • Surgery

CBD Oil as a Potential Alternative Treatment

One of the many distinct substances that come from cannabis plants is cannabidiol or CBD. This may have health benefits ranging from pain alleviation to heart health, according to researchers.[4]

CBD is said to be beneficial to COPD patients as it has anti-inflammatory properties. COPD patients have lung inflammation. Through the use of CBD, the inflammation can be eased, allowing air to flow better through the lungs.

Benefits of CBD for COPD

COPD patients can benefit from CBD. There are several benefits of CBD oils and CBD in geneal, among the many benefits are:

  • Dilates the lungs
  • Helps make breathing easier
  • Reduces lung inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Improves sleep 
  • Potential to improve lung function

CBD Oil Dosage for COPD

CBD oil is generally safe. However, there is no fixed dosage to give to someone with COPD. In other words, the dosage will vary depending on the patient. The best way to take CBD for COPD is to start with the lowest dosage. Always check the product label before taking the CBD product. This is where you will know the recommended dosage.

There is no standard dose of CBD oil for COPD. Keep in mind that people have varied responses to it. You can start with the recommended dosage and monitor its effects. This is the time to make the necessary adjustments to your dose. However, changes in dosages should be made gradually.

Before taking CBD, it is best to discuss it with your doctor so they can help you determine the right dose for you. They will also guide you on how to take it and the best routines that will work for your COPD.


CBD oil can be taken in different ways. The most common is the sublingual method. This is where you put a few drops under your tongue. Some diffuse CBD in their homes. Others use it as a topical product.


More people opt for CBD oil capsules, which they just swallow with water. This method is easier than taking CBD oil orally under the tongue. The capsule form hides the nasty taste and feel of CBD. It also has a more exact dosage.

There are also CBD gummies that are available in many CBD shops. This type of product is popular since it is hassle-free to take and also tastes good because of the added flavors.

Smoking = Avoid

Many COPD patients would prefer vaping or smoking CBD. However, this can be risky, as smoking can add to the inflammation and irritation of the lungs. [7] It is best to consult your doctor before trying this delivery method.

Safety Precautions for Using CBD Oil for COPD

There are some risks associated with CBD for COPD. Though it is generally tolerated, it also poses side effects. Among the common CBD side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness 
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea
  • Irritability

You should also be cautious if you are taking medications. CBD can interact with some medications. [6] You can ask your doctor about it to make sure that you will get the best results from what you are taking.


CBD oil is a beneficial and natural aid for COPD and its symptoms. As COPD makes breathing difficult, CBD helps clear your lung passages to make breathing easier. CBD also has other health benefits that COPD patients can take advantage of.

Though CBD does not directly treat COPD, it can help ease symptoms associated with the condition. Further research is needed to prove that CBD is a good alternative treatment for COPD.

Overall, people with COPD can rely on CBD when it comes to their symptoms. Treatments are available, and the guidance of healthcare professionals can help patients get the right treatment for their COPD.

You can delay the symptoms of COPD through early detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Do not let COPD take away the best quality of your life. COPD is manageable with the right methods.


CBD oil can also have side effects, such as dizziness, dry mouth, and changes in appetite and mood, so it's important to talk to a health care provider before using it as a treatment for COPD symptoms. Additionally, patients should always follow their health care provider's advice and continue to take their prescribed medications and treatments as directed.

Be aware of local laws and regulations that may apply to CBD products. 


  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 2022, World Health Organization (WHO) [1]
  2. Smoking and COPD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [2]
  3. Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 2022, National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) [3]
  4. Donovan A. Argueta, Christopher M. Ventura, Stacy Kiven, Varun Sagi, and Kalpna Gupta, A Balanced Approach for Cannabidiol Use in Chronic Pain, 2020, National Library of Medicine (NLB) [4]
  5. John Hudak, The Farm Bill, Hemp Legalization and the Status of CBD: An Explainer, 2018, Brookings [5]
  6. Premalatha Balachandran, PhD, Mahmoud Elsohly, PhD, and Kevin P. Hill, MD, MHS, Cannabidiol Interactions with Medications, Illicit Substances, and Alcohol: a Comprehensive Review, 2021, National Library of Medicine (NLM) [6]
  7. Amit A. Lugade, Paul N. Bogner, Thomas H. Thatcher, Patricia J. Sime, Richard P. Phipps, and Yasmin Thanavala, Cigarette Smoke Exposure Exacerbates Lung Inflammation and Compromises Immunity to Bacterial Infection, 2014, National Library of Medicine (NLM) [7]

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