Five Ways to Prevent COVID-19

COVID-19 remains a serious health threat, especially for those with pre-existing health problems and older people. In addition to being vaccinated, there are several common-sense ways to reduce your risk of infection.
Updated: July 11th, 2022
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We’ve all heard so much about COVID-19 over the past couple of years, and a lot of coverage about the virus has, understandably, been bleak. 

However, in the midst of the anxiety and stress that a global pandemic can cause, it’s important to focus on how we can take steps to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

In this guide, we will be suggesting 5 ways to stop COVID-19 in its tracks.

How to Prevent COVID-19

  • Stay at Home if Possible 

Many of us have to leave the house for work or other commitments, but the sensible thing to do if you want to prevent COVID-19 is to stay at home whenever possible.

This might be difficult sometimes, but it’s the most effective way to prevent the spread of the virus. Remember that there are plenty of virtual platforms you can use to interact with friends and loved ones, so if it’s at all possible, try to socialize or work virtually when you can. 

You can also arrange to have groceries or any other items you might need to be delivered straight to your home. 

  • Maintain Physical Distance 

If you do need to leave the house for any reason, you can minimize your risk of contracting COVID-19 by maintaining at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and other people. 

This has been referred to as social distancing since the beginning of the pandemic. However, we find it more helpful to refer to it as physical distancing since you can still socialize with others while maintaining a safe distance!

Many public places now have markers in place on the floor to help you stick to distancing measures. If there are no markers and you’re struggling to visualize 6 feet, it’s roughly the same as the length of your arm, twice. If you don’t think you could fit two arms between yourself and the person nearest you, you’re standing too close and should move as soon as possible. 

  • Wear a Mask

One of the most effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19 is to wear a mask in public. 

Ideally, your mask should consist of multiple layers of fabric and should fit tightly to your face. Wearing a mask not only minimizes the risk of you catching the virus, but it also protects those around you.  

Remember to wash your mask between each use to prevent the accumulation of germs and bacteria. This may mean you need to buy several masks and alternate them depending on how often you leave the house. 

  • Wash Your Hands Thoroughly 

We all wash our hands several times a day, but you may not realize that your hand washing routine isn’t enough to prevent COVID-19. 

In order to thoroughly clean your hands and stop the transmission of COVID-19, you need to wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap. You should wash your hands like this any time you touch a surface in a public place or any surface or object that may have been exposed to the droplets that spread the virus. 

If you’re not in a place where soap and hot water are available, you may not be able to wash your hands immediately. That’s why we recommend carrying hand sanitizer with you when you leave the house. Hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol to be effective against COVID-19. 

  • Don’t Touch Your Face 

This one is much easier said than done but touching your face after touching a contaminated surface is one of the main ways that COVID-19 spreads. 

Of course, it’s impossible to go through life without touching your face at all, but if you do need to touch your face for any reason, make sure to wash and sanitize your hands first. Remember not to touch your eyes at all after using hand sanitizer since the alcohol is likely to burn. 


COVID-19 spreads easily and can be difficult to control. However, by following the 5 measures outlined in this article, you can greatly reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it to others. 

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, you should stay home if you can, maintain 6 feet of distance from others when outside, and wear a mask. You should also be washing your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water and avoid touching your face whenever possible. 

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