Holistic Health: A Comprehensive Approach to Health Care

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle with health problems for years without finding relief? They visit multiple doctors and try various remedies, but none seem to ease the pain. Maybe they need a different, more holistic approach.
The principles of holistic medicine have long existed in some societies but have only recently entered the mainstream American consciousness. Once the stuff of "alternative" healing, many methods are now widely accepted and recommended by Western physicians as part of a total treatment protocol. What is holistic health? Let's take a closer look at this comprehensive approach to health care.
What Is Holistic Health?
The definition of holistic health can be found in its pronunciation — It rhymes with "whole." Holistic practitioners recognize that multiple factors influence a person's health, including their genetics, lifestyle, emotional state, environment, and access to resources.
Traditional Western medicine techniques involve treating symptoms. However, such modalities sometimes fail because they don't address the underlying issues — they simply place a bandaid on the wound. When something disrupts that protective barrier, the patient regresses, sometimes quickly.
For example, a patient presents with chronic headaches. Traditional tests fail to pinpoint a diagnosis. As a result, their doctor prescribes medication after medication, none of which brings relief.
A holistic practitioner who takes a deeper dive into all the factors behind the symptom might discover:
- A childhood trauma history that predisposes the patient to chronic pain
- Broken teeth from lack of access to dental care
- Extreme stress that causes bruxism
While medications like Imitrex might ease acute headache pain, it comes roaring back the moment the patient discontinues use. A traditional approach might even make things worse by causing rebound headaches, which can lead to drug abuse. Fixing or pulling the patient's teeth and teaching stress management are far more effective and potentially less expensive treatment protocols.
Benefits of Holistic Health
The above example highlights holistic medicine's primary benefit—finding and addressing the underlying issues. However, there are additional perks that deserve notice.
Saves Time and Money
Health care is expensive. It's not just the cost of the copays but the time away from work that drives up the medical bankruptcy rate in the U.S. However, multiple underlying causes can create similar symptoms, and many of them don't warrant intensive hospital or specialist treatment.
For example, someone with arthritis could spend a small fortune on biologics, and in some cases, they need such medications. However, many more patients do better with holistic interventions, such as:
- Assistive devices like wrist and knee supports
- An anti-inflammatory diet
- Movement therapy, like aquacise and yoga
Conserves Personal and Collective Resources
Traditional approaches can leave you spending a fortune on fixes that don't work. For example, multi-step skincare regimes are all the rage on social media, but that doesn't make them effective. Many times, they backfire, causing increased redness and irritation while draining your pocketbook. Trying one natural product at a time and sticking with what works is a far better strategy.
Exploring holistic interventions also frees up collective resources. It's tough to become a doctor for a good reason, but this reality means there's a shortage. Every patient who takes up a specialist's time unnecessarily results in someone else going without needed care, especially in rural areas where appointments can take months to get.
Accessible to Anyone
It's no secret that the economically disadvantaged often go without health care in the United States. They may lack insurance coverage, copay money, the ability to take time away from work — or all three.
Holistic interventions such as dietary modifications, exercise, and stress management are available to nearly anyone. While some modalities, like massage, cost money, the fees pale, besides hospital bills.
5 Ways to Incorporate Holistic Health Principles Into Your Life
If you want to reap the benefits of holistic health, you can get started today. Here are five ways to incorporate these principles into your life.
Create Daily Check-In Rituals
These little rituals can be things you do anyway, such as brushing your teeth and washing your face before bed. The difference is the mindset shift while you do so. Use this time to check in with your body, mind, and emotions. Ask yourself:
- Are there any areas that are sore or tight? Do a quick body scan and breathe into the tension.
- Is there anything on your mind that may affect your physical health?
- How is your emotional state? Accept it, validate it ("I feel pretty low today"), then mindfully examine how you can improve it if necessary. For example, if you feel sad, perhaps cuddling your pet before bed can lift your spirits.
Move Your Body
Exercise is crucial to keeping your body working as intended at any age. Multiple studies show that it reduces mental health symptoms, lowers levels of stress hormones, develops balance, coordination, and stamina, and improves cardiovascular health.
Find something that you love and commit to it daily. Write it in your planner — consider it part of your self-care time. Get creative if you must. For example, your busy schedule might preclude a 30-minute workout, but you can sneak in ten minutes of yoga upon waking and before going to bed, punctuated by a nice walk on your lunch break.
Eat for Your Unique Self
Part of holistic health entails evaluating all the factors that influence your health. Certain foods can exacerbate pain and worsen health conditions, while others help. The trick is to find out what plagues you the most and tailor your diet accordingly.
For example:
- People who struggle with depression may find relief by adding more foods high in magnesium to their diets, like nuts and seeds.
- People who have high blood pressure should avoid salt and alcohol use.
- Women with reproductive and hormonal issues may ease their symptoms by adding lignan-rich foods like flax seeds to their diets.
Connect With Others in Your Community
Loneliness is a modern epidemic, but people need other people to survive. Connecting with others in your community by joining support groups and participating in healthy activities defeats the isolation that can lead to despair. Additionally, it introduces you to others who share similar problems and may have solutions that work.
Meditate or Engage in Spiritual Practice
Holistic health encompasses your mind, body, and spirit. However, you don't need a faith system to reap the benefits of regular meditation. All you need to do to calm your body and focus your mind is to quiet yourself, focus on your breath, and count. How far can you get before your thoughts distract you?
This exercise heightens your powers of concentration while inducing calm. Of course, those who practice a religion can find solace in daily prayer.
Comprehensive, Holistic Health
Holistic health looks at all aspects of a patient's life to discover the underlying causes of their disease and distress. It encompasses mental, emotional, and social factors along with physical ones to diagnose and treat accurately.
Fortunately, holistic health also offers many benefits for today's reality. It's accessible and affordable to more people and can prevent you from spending unnecessary time and money while restoring your wellness.