I'm in Good Health. Why Would I Need to be Concerned About Long-Term Health Care?

Some people think you should start shopping for Long-Term Care Insurance when they need care. Unfortunately, if you wait until you require care services, you probably will not be eligible to obtain coverage.
Your Good Health Today Allows You to Plan
Understand that good health today leads to longevity, which in itself is a significant risk for long-term care in the future. However, there are health problems you may have today that also increase your risk of needing care in the future. Some of these health problems can make it more difficult and expensive to obtain Long-Term Care Insurance.
Not everyone has perfect health, and every insurance company has its own underwriting criteria, a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist who represents the top companies can help match you with the right company - Can I Get Long-Term Care Insurance with Pre-Existing Health Conditions? | LTC News
However, it is easier and much more affordable when you obtain coverage when you enjoy good health. Premiums are lower, and there are more available options.
Enjoy Good Health Today - But Aging Happens
Even if you have excellent health, at some point, you will get older, and your health, body, and mind will decline. Old age itself can lead to needing help with daily living activities and an added risk of dementia.
Most people obtain coverage in their 50s, although some do it younger. Even if you are older, you can still get Long-Term Care Insurance if you enjoy reasonably good health.
Don't delay and use good health as an excuse. Long-term health care is a significant cash flow issue and family issue. Prepare your family and finances by planning when you still have the opportunity to do so.