Older Adults Must Protect Eyes from Strain - Several Things Can Be Done Now to Protect Eyesight

Even older adults are glued to their electronic devices in addition to activities like reading, which can cause eye strain. Early treatment is critically important to prevent some common eye issues from causing vision problems.
Updated: October 17th, 2022
Isabelle Marinier


Isabelle Marinier

As one ages, the focus often shifts to more leisurely activities requiring less concentration. Reading is an activity many older adults enjoy, but sometimes they spend fewer hours on activities that demand attention, like reading, because of the strain on their eyes.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) says it is customary to notice changes in your vision as you or a loved one ages. A few common changes for older adults include:

  • Losing the ability to see up close

  • Having trouble distinguishing colors, such as blue from black

  • Needing more time to adjust to changing levels of light

Seniors may experience blurry vision, challenges distinguishing colors, sensitivity to light, and many other eye defects. These can make it somewhat challenging for seniors to enjoy their hobbies. To this end, it is of utmost importance for seniors to protect their eyes. 

Proper eye care is vital. Early detection and treatment of any eye issues can aid in maintaining your vision and preventing vision loss. The NIA suggests having your eyes examined by an eye care specialist, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist, regularly.  

So, what can you do to protect your vision while enjoying hobbies, like reading? Below you will find several things older adults can take to protect their eyes from strain while enjoying hobbies. However, let's run through some eye exercises seniors can practice reducing eye strain.

5 Ways Seniors Can Protect Their Eyes from Strain While Enjoying Hobbies

  1. Regularly Lubricate Your Eyes 

Dry eye is a significant factor contributing to eye strain. When dehydrated, the body produces fewer tears, causing dryness and irritation of the cornea. Regularly lubricating your eyes minimizes the risk of eye strain. Seniors can lubricate their eyes with artificial tears, also known as eye drops. Drinking plenty of water is also effective in keeping the eyes lubricated.

  1. Wear Quality Eyeglasses

It is imperative that seniors wear quality eyeglasses while enjoying hobbies. When we say quality eyeglasses, we refer to the likes of prescription glasses and contact lenses. Are you farsighted or near-sighted? You should always wear these eyeglasses whether in or out of the sun.

Quality prescription glasses and lenses are recommended for a reason. Aside from enhancing your vision, they can help reduce eye strain. When you are not on these glasses, your eyes may require more effort to focus. The extra effort may strain your eyes, causing other eye defects.

Furthermore, if you experience blurry vision while wearing these glasses, you may need a strong one. To this end, you may book an appointment with your optometrist.

  1. Make Sure You Have Adequate Lighting 

When engaging in your favorite hobbies, we recommend you have ample and adequate lighting. Poor lighting is a leading cause of eye strain. It is essential that older adults have sufficient lighting, so they don't face any challenges focusing. While dim lighting may suit the mood for dinner and other moments, it causes eye strain. To this end, seniors must maintain adequate lighting, especially indoors. If your hobby involves screen time, ensure there is sufficient light. More so, it is recommendable you engage in these activities during the day.

  1. Take Breaks Frequently 

You must take breaks at intervals even when you enjoy your favorite hobbies. Eye strain may occur when you stare at your screen or focus your sight on activities for extended hours. It may also lead to eye irritation. It worsens if your eyes are dehydrated, or you engage in your hobbies in low light.

You must take frequent breaks to rest and relax your eyes to deal with this. We recommend seniors take this break at 30 to 45-minute intervals to deal with the strain and reduce eye fatigue.

  1. Schedule Regular Eye Exams

At one point or the other, everyone experiences eye strain, especially when the eyes undergo a critical situation. However, if the strain persists even after implementing the above tips, you may need to resort to an optometrist to examine your vision.

Older adults must schedule regular eye exams with an eye specialist, an optometrist, or an ophthalmologist, to keep their vision in the best condition possible. More so, you may be unable to detect when something is wrong, but with a regular eye exam, there is a much greater possibility of early detection of any eye problem.

Seniors usually suffer from eye defects like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, farsightedness, or near-sightedness. With regular eye check-ups, you can detect and address the underlying cause of these problems head-on. It is recommended to schedule eye exams with your optometrist or ophthalmologist twice a year or annually.

Eye Exercises to Reduce Eye Strain 

There are varieties of eye exercises seniors can practice helping them reduce eye strain. Here we have collated some of the best and most effective exercises for you.

  • Flexing

This is an essential eye exercise that helps strengthens and stretch the ocular muscles. To perform this exercise, seniors must face forward and then look up and down without moving their heads (let your eyes do the work). They should repeat this cycle ten times and do it again, moving the eyes in left and right motion.

  • Blinking

Blinking is a great eye exercise to reduce strain if your hobby involves screen time. While watching that movie or playing that video game on the TV, computer, or mobile phone, you must master the habit of blinking.

  • Figure of Eight (8)

Figure of Eight helps improve the eye muscle's flexibility. It may sound complicated to perform, but it is quite easy. All you have to do is stare into a wall and imagine a big figure 8. With your eyes, trace out the figure without moving your head. Do it for a minute, then do it in reverse motion for another minute.

  • Zooming 

Like all others, this one, too, strengthens the eye muscle and reduces strain. To perform zooming, sit on a chair, stretch your arm out and give a thumbs up. Now, focus your sight on your thumb as you pull it closer to your eye till it is about 3 inches apart, then move it back to its initial position. You must maintain focus on the thumb throughout the process. Do this for 2 minutes.

Exercises are important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, eye exercises are essential to help keep better sight and reduce eye strain. Hence, practicing these exercises will reduce eye strain in seniors.

Aging Happens - be Prepared

Aging is inevitable, and with it comes various challenges, including certain eye deficiencies. However, with proper eye care, seniors can reduce the effect of aging on their sight and protect their eyes from strain while enjoying hobbies.

Eye issues can complicate other health problems and may lead to someone needing help with daily living activities and long-term health care. Being proactive with your eye health and proper planning, like Long-Term Care Insurance, can benefit someone to remain more independent in the decades to come.

Proactiveness is key to optimum eye care. Practicing the above tips will help seniors maintain better vision and protect their sight while engaging in hobbies.

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