Sitting is the New Smoking - Time to Get Up!

If you have an Apple Watch, it may tell you to get up and stand. Research shows that lack of activity, like too much sitting, is detrimental to your health. Your health, body, and mind will decline as you get older. Being proactive with your health and planning is vital before you get older.
Updated: March 15th, 2022
James Kelly


James Kelly

If you have an Apple Watch, it will track the steps you take every day, the amount of exercise, and even how much you're sitting. Being active and avoiding sitting has much a health mantra. 

Getting off your rear end is very important for your health. The medical experts are now paying very close attention to the amount of sitting a person does over a day and evening. 

Dr. James Levine is the director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative and inventor of the treadmill desk. Levine has been studying the adverse effects of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles for years and has summed up his findings in two sentences:

Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.

His new mantra is "Sitting is the New Smoking." 

Activity is Good for Your Health

When you are not active and sit too much, you will face health issues not only now but in the decades ahead as you get older. However, being active isn't as hard as someone might think. If you have an Apple Watch, it will scold you (if you set it to do so) if you have been sitting for too long.

There are other ways to stay active and off your butt - read more by clicking here.

Your health, body, and mind decline as you get older. You probably have already noticed changes. Some of these changes are a normal part of getting older. However, when you add additional health problems to normal aging, you will face significant health problems that could lead to a higher risk of needing long-term health care when you get older. 

Sitting too much can age you by eight years, according to research. We get older fast enough as it is, and getting older will impact your family and finances. 

Planning for Longevity is Essential 

The risk of needing help with normal daily living activities or supervision due to memory problems is already a considerable risk that increases with age. You can improve your health with activity, but you will get older.

Longevity requires advance planning. The financial costs and burdens of aging will have a tremendous impact on your savings (401(k), IRA 403(b)), as well as creating a burden on those you love. 

You can be proactive with your health and with your planning because the consequences are real and affect your family and your finances.

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will safeguard your income and assets and reduce the stress and anxiety placed on those you love. Most people obtain coverage in their 50s or even earlier to take advantage of better health and lower premiums. 

So stand up and prepare now before you retire by adding peace of mind to your retirement plan.


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